Wills, Trusts, & Estates

While no one likes to think about their own passing, it’s important to plan ahead. Without the assistance of a Maryland estate planning attorney, you’re taking big risks in terms of how your assets will be divided among your surviving loved ones. Without a strategy in place, the court system will have to determine how to split up your assets and what will become of your minor children. These important issues shouldn’t be left to chance.
In terms of dividing up your assets, Piereck Law LLC can help you outline which assets go to which beneficiaries. Working this out isn’t as simple as drawing up a will. Many people now choose to create a living trust, so certain assets won’t go through the probate process. This means your beneficiaries will receive their inheritances much sooner rather than having to wait out a lengthy probate process.
Even with a living trust, you will still need to draw out a will, particularly if you have any minor children. A Maryland estate planning attorney can help you choose a guardian for your minor children, so you can place their care in the hands of someone you trust. Failing to make these arrangements will compel the courts to determine custody of your children, which means your children may fall under the guardianship of someone you mistrust.
The legal professionals at Piereck Law LLC can also help you plan for unexpected events in your own life. There’s no telling when an accident or serious illness will render you incapable of caring for yourself. If something like that happens, you will want to ensure your care will fall under a trustworthy advocate. Your estate planning lawyer can help you set up financial and medical powers of attorney. Your financial power of attorney will continue to oversee your financial burdens, while you’re incapacitated. Similarly, a medical power of attorney will make decisions regarding your medical care. It’s easy to see why you will want to select the individuals responsible for making these important decisions.
Most people put these decisions off until later in life without realizing that tragedy can strike anytime. By consulting attorney Ricardo Piereck, you can make the necessary plans for the future. Once your estate planning needs are met, knowing your family is taken care of will give you peace of mind.